Friday, June 5, 2015

suprising!! this food help you to reduce body pain

gj1. Coffee
Just one more excuse to grab that second cup of
Joe! Research suggests caffeine can reduce pain in
those suffering from exercise-induced mus. cular
injury and pain . Not only that, when taken with a
standard dose of pain reliever (ibuprofen, for
example), one study found that a 100mg to
130mg caffeine supplement — equal to about the
amount of caffeine in one cup of coffee —
increased pain relief .
2. Ginger
Ginger is basically a wonder root. It combats
nausea and motion sickness, and fights off pain
with its anti-inflammatory properties . Some
especially great news for the ladies: One study
showed that ginger (specifically in the form of a
250g or 500g capsule of powdered ginger) was as
effective as ibuprofen in relieving menstrual pain !
Plus, ginger can be ingested a variety of ways,
from supplements, to tea and cookies, to stir fry.
3. Salmon
Not only is salmon tasty and a healthy protein,
but it’s full of omega-3 fatty acids, which have
been shown to reduce arthritic pain (especially in
the neck and back) . In one study, the relief
experienced from consuming omega-3s in the
form of a fish oil supplement was comparable to
the relief experienced from taking ibuprofen.
Chow down on some of those omega-3s with this
baked salmon with avocado yogurt sauce tonight.
4. Tart Cherries
Turns out tart cherries are good for more than
causing a pucker face. Studies have found they
can help treat gout (a painful form of arthritis that
causes swollen, hot, red joints caused by a
buildup of uric acid in the blood) . But it’s not just
for gout—athletes can benefit, too. In one study,
those who drank tart cherry juice for seven days
prior to an intense running event showed
reduced muscle-pain after the race . Drink up!
5. Echinacea and Sage
Got an aching throat? Some research shows that
throat sprays containing sage or echinacea can
help provide relief from that nasty sore throat ,
though there have been few other studies on this
benefit, so the evidence isn’t hulk strong. Another
survey looking at 14 different studies found that
echinacea can decrease the number of cold
infections caught, and reduce their durations .
Sage is easy to find at most grocery stores and is
also especially tasty in any of these recipes, while
echinacea is more commonly found in pill and
ointment form. When choosing to take a
supplement like echinacea, be aware:
Sup plements aren’t regulated by the FDA, so
manufacturers can often get away with making
unproven claims about both the contents of the
pills and the benefits of those contents.
6. Oranges
While vitamin C has been linked to helping
prevent the onset of colds and respiratory
infections, an antioxidant called beta-
cryptoxanthin, found in oranges and other orange
fruits and veggies such as sweet potato and
cantaloupe, has been found to help reduce the
risk of anti-inflammatory conditions like
rheumatoid arthritis . Another reason to get out
that juicer and start making fresh OJ each day.
(Or, you know, just eat an orange.)
7. Evening Primrose
Usually found as an oil, this flower’s powers have
been linked to treating atopic dermatitis (a
chronic itchy skin condition), rheumatoid arthritis,
and PMS symptoms . The gamma-inolenic acid in
the oil has anti-coagulant effects that may help
reduce the effects of cardiovascular illnesses .
8. Whiskey
No, we do not recommend whiskey for a broken
heart or curing any sort of emotional pain. But, it
turns out adding a spoonful to warm water may
just do the trick to kick that pesky sore throat.

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